Here's the cover for the rare Turkish VHS release of the (also) Turkish video nasty CIRKIN DÜNYA. When Miltos of Cinehound forum started selling the film on bootleg DVD he entitled it LAST HOUSE IN ISTANBUL and now this bootleg title is quoted everywhere including the fucken IMDb!! Hahaha. Anyhoo, the film has since then been released on DVD in Germany but unfortunately it only carries the German and Italian dubs. Go figure! Miltos' old bootleg is in Turkish and has English subtitles. Below is the German dubbed trailer. I believe the full version of the subtitled print is on YouTube.
PS: The video tape shown in this post isn't mine (I wish!) but comes courtesy of a Cinehound member. :D
An unusual movie for Hulya Kocyigit to do. I think this was around the time when she wanted to get away from her regular roles. If all those Yesilcam films were archived properly then they would've all looked like this one.Is this that Unuuk fella's vid ???
I'm pretty sure it isn't. He's just got hold of his DVD and this was uploaded in 2009. Besides, he would know to write the original title, not just the aka titles like this uploader did.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the quality of the Miltos release of this movie like ??
I don't know, I don't have it. My copy is a VHS dupe that I got 6 years ago from Henrik Larsen who copied his VHS dupe which he got from Ayman Kole who provided the original copy (and where HE got it from I have no idea). So mine is like a 3 or 4th generation copy. I would assume Miltos' copy looks like a 2nd or 3rd copy. But at least it's in Turkish. Someone really ought to take the DVD and make a fan edit by adding the Turkish audio.
ReplyDeleteSomeone just mentioned on Onar's Facebook page that the film was released twice on DVD in Germnay, One version only carries the German dub, while the other one has German and Italian dubs
ReplyDeleteA-N-D has English subtitles!!
But apparently it's quite difficult to get hold of now.
So altogether there are 4 different dvd versions of Cirkin Dunya floating around. Two german, one italian and the cinehound one. I've got one out of 4. That's an idea use the best available copy and redub back the original turkish audio with optional language selections and subs.
Hi all, is this group still active?
ReplyDeleteI have a question, could anyone please tell me what it says in the newspaper about the the criminals. The turkish version not Italian. Thanks.
Is this blog still active?
ReplyDeleteBarely. LOL